Contact Us

IF YOU ARE A VISITOR (non-registered user):
     A valid personal email is required if you are to receive a response. You may use any name desired in the name fields, including an alias/pseudo name or your SSO Username. But if you want to protect your identity by keeping your private email address hidden from your SSO Name, then it would be suggested not to use your SSO In-Game Name since the Email field would require you to use your private email address. If you are on the Night Star server, you can use the contact form as if you were a registered member.

     You may fill the fields as a visitor, but if desired, you may use your SSO name and still protect your private email address by leaving the email field empty. If a response is necessary, I can respond via in-game mail. If using this method, please be sure your SSO name is valid and spelled correctly to get a response.

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