Club Application

     Hi! And thank you for your interest with joining Shadow Town (ST). Before we get into the requirements of membership, let’s make sure we are what you’re looking for and that you’re in the right place to be part of our team. We are a club in the MMORPG, Star Stable Online, and our online server is Night Star and is based in North America.

     If you are in the right region and on the right server, then the next step is to determine if you are qualified to be on our team.

     Shadow Town is primarily a Dressage Club. We will occasionally do other events to break the monotony of Dressage and just spend some time having fun and enjoying each other’s company.
     We base our dressage moves and levels per the Official SSDD (Star Stable Dressage Dictionary), whose website can be viewed here. We look for riders that are intermediate+ in dressage level, but riders must have at least above beginner dressage knowledge and ability, this means that as a minimum, the rider should know and be able to perform all Gaps & Alignments, all Fundamentals, and all Beginner moves.
     Your character needs to be 16th level or higher.
     The club horse for ST is the Belgian Warmblood (Gen3) in the black coat with the white front foot. The white coat with the black head and tail is reserved for leadership roles (see below for acceptable temporary replacements if you do not have the proper breed and or coat).
     Our practice schedule is every weekday from 4:30pm to 5:30pm Pacific Time; you would need to be able to attend at least 2 days of practice per week in this time frame. [Practice time frame in the four N.A. time zones: PST=4:30‑5:30pm, MST=5:30‑6:30pm, CST=6:30‑7:30pm, EST=7:30‑8:30pm]
As is typical upon entry, you will be set as a Novice, which is the Trial Stage, where you will remain until ranking out of trials on the friday after you have completed 9 days of practice; then you will advance out of trials to Stable Girl.  Note that any week you do not meet the 2 day attendance minimum, you will be given a strike, and after 3 strikes you will be removed from ST. Normal ranking in ST is time based, and your dressage level and or ability has no effect on your rank. Also note that time in trials does not count toward your time in ST, your time in ST starts when you rank out of trials to Stable Girl and become a full resident of Shadow Town.
     We do have other rules and regulations that are to be maintained as a member of ST, but those are listed in other pages that will be discovered should you be accepted as a member.

     As something else that is often asked, ST is a fully text chat commanded club. Since we have members of all ranks that do not or cannot use voice chats, we do not have voice chat available.

      If ST is the type of club you are looking for, and you meet all the above criteria, and your interested in becoming a resident in Shadow Town … Then you only have two things left to do; fill out the application form below, and pass the dressage test (of course, after your application is accepted)!

     Applications will be processed in the order they are received. You will be contacted via in-game mail and informed if your application is accepted for testing, as we will only test as many riders as we have openings. If we receive more applications than we have openings, your application will be held and you will be contacted when an opening is available for you to be tested.

If you do not qualify, or otherwise choose not to apply, please do not fill out the application form.

This will be used for in-game contact, you must enter a valid SSO first and last username.
Examples: Beginner, Intermediate-advanced, etc.


     We currently have no level exceptions where it comes to participating with the rest of the team during practice or for competitions. However, should you be under level 16 and still wish to join, you may do so, but please note the three following conditions will be administered:
1. You will not be able to practice with the rest of the team or participate in any events until you have reached level 16.
2. You will not be able to rank up for the full duration you remain under level, meaning you will retain the status of a novice until after you have achieved level 16, which will be when your trial stage begins.
3. Though you will not be able to practice with the team, you will still be expected to fulfill attendance requirements. Hence instead of practicing, you will be expected to spend the practice session questing to level your toon. You may quest as often and whenever you want, but the only questing that is counted towards attendance is the questing that you do during normal practice times, so be sure to quest at least twice a week during normal practice time to avoid strikes.

     If you do not own a Generation 3 Belgian Warmblood, then you may use a MAXED horse of any other breed with a black coat.  However, you will not be allowed to advance to the rank of Member until you have a maxed club horse in the club required coat.  This means you will have 2½ months to get the club required horse, after this time frame, you will not be removed or punished by strikes or demotion, but you will be stuck at the rank of Stable Girl until the appropriate horse has been purchased, and maxed. Also be advised that you will not be allowed to participate in public events with other clubs if you do not have a club specified horse.

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